Tuesday, January 27, 2009

In the hospital to stay...

Hi everyone! Ryon is in Florida this week at his National Sales Meeting so I am venturing out and posting this myself. Today has been a big day and it's not even noon yet. My doc came in to do an long awaited exam to see if I could possibly go home since I will be 30 weeks on Thursday. She found that I am 100% effaced and 1 mm dialated...therefore she said she would not send me home. A lot of people are out there running around in a similar situation (maybe not at 30 weeks) but she felt it was best for me to stay put. I had hoped and prayed yesterday that whatever was decided today was the best thing for the boys and myself, so i believe staying put is the answer. I will try to stay sane in this room and enjoy more hospital food!! I also had another ultrasound today. It has been 4 weeks so I was ready to see the boys moving around in there. My Mom was here to go with me since Ryon is out of town. The boys are doing great, thank God. Baby A is weighing in at 2 lbs 15 oz with Baby B showing him up at 3 lbs 3 oz. At this point Baby A is 'head down and face up' with Baby B in a breach postition (folded up with his rear down). We are planning on having a c-section so this positioning doesn't really matter. Today Dr. Schmidt said if my water breaks we'll go ahead and deliver them otherwise at 34 weeks she'll do a scheduled c-section. That puts us at Feb. 26th...so I'll be hanging out there until one of those two things occur. My guess is that she may try to get me to wait past 34 weeks if I make it there, but at this point thinking I'll be here more than 4 more weeks is a little hard to handle. I have now been in the hopital for 8 weeks and on bestrest for 10!! Talk about losing muscle mass...I guess it's a good think I didn't have much to start out with! :)
I had my second and last round of steriod shots today and yesterday which should help with lung development at this point. We feel so thankful to have made it to this point with the babies doing good and getting so big. It's been a LONG journey but I know it is worth it. I am so excited to see these little guys in the near future!! Thanks for all of your love and support along the way. It means so much to the 4 of us!! :)
We'll post more as it occurs.
Paula, Ryon and the boys

Friday, January 16, 2009

28 Weeks

Look who's gettin' fancy, a picture. This was taken a couple of weeks ago, when one of Paula's doctors told her she could have outdoor priviledges. She really enjoyed that day, before her primary doctor told her she had no idea about the privilidges and asked that they stop.
I'm a day late with this, so let's make it 28 weeks and 1 day. This is one we have been looking towards for a while. Paula doesn't really know what to do now that it's here, so she decided to just lay down. We haven't had any measurements or real monitoring since I last updated, so all we really know is that the baby's still have heart beats, and they still move alot. In fact, Paula is convinced that one of them is going to stick a body part completely through her abdomem, and the other is going to collapse her bladder if he keeps kicking her there.

The plan is for her to go home at 30 weeks, but she will have to remain on strict bed rest. So, we will be sending out assignments to everyone to let you know when you are scheduled to be there for your shift. Of course I am kidding, but Paula has been putting together a strategic plan for when she gets to go home. She has been hanging in there pretty good, but she is ready to go home now. However, she will continue to stay here for another 2 weeks, but when the doctor asks her next time if she can maintain strict bed rest at home, I am 100% sure her answer will be yes. It may not be truthful, but it will be yes.

There is a chance the doctors may do some exams within the next week, if so I will update again at that time. If not, then I will update at 29 weeks.

Until next time,
Paula, Ryon, and The Boys

Thursday, January 8, 2009

27 Weeks

So we have finally recovered from the new year's bash here, and I am ready to give another update. Today marked 27 weeks, and we are glad to have another one behind us. Nothing has really changed here, she is just laying and waiting it out. We really can't figure out if she is really going to have a chance to go home, or if the doctor just keeps giving us a date into the future to keep her looking forward to something. We are really looking forward to getting to at least 28 weeks, as that seems to be another really good point to reach. The next big one after that is 30.

Paula has been talking on the phone more, and it hasn't really seemed to be bothering her. If you would like to talk to her, fell free to give her a call. I think this has been helping her pass her days a little quicker, since I have returned to work and she is here by herself for longer periods of time now. I mean, she does stay pretty busy between reading magazines, watching t.v, and taking a shower every other day, but she may be able to squeeze you in.

That's all for now,

Paula, Ryon, and The Boys