Monday, December 8, 2008

December 8, 2007

Hello all,

This is our first official blog regarding our journey towards parenthood. Some of you may already know what has occurred with Paula over the past week, but for those of you who do not, here is a not so brief summary.

Monday, November 17, 2008
During our scheduled doctors visit, we find out that Paula's cervix is thinning. Dr. Schmidt
didn't feel this was a huge concern, but Paula was placed on bed rest at home and asked to
return in 2 weeks for a follow up. Both babies were doing well, as expected, and weighed in
at a whopping .7lbs.

Monday, December 1, 2008
We went in for follow up visit, hoping to hear the good news and how well the bed rest had
slowed the thinning of her cervix. NOT SO MUCH. Instead we found it had possibly thinned
more, but Dr. Schmidt asked that we see a maternal fetal specialist to get a second opinion. No
measurements of the boys were taken at this visit, and the appointment with the specialist was
scheduled for Wednesday.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
We went to the specialist, only to find that Paula's cervix had indeed thinned, and was no more
than 1cm in length (3cm is about average until the 3rd trimester in a typical pregnancy). We
were ordered to go to Memorial Hermann Hospital, at Memorial City, and check in to labor and
delivery to have some monitoring done to see if Paula was having contractions. You guessed it,
yes she was, about 1 every 4-6 minutes. At this time she was placed on Magnesium Sulfate to
help slow, or hopefully stop her contractions. And the hits just keep on coming. As a welcome
gift from the hospital, she also received a Foley catheter, a pain medication (to help with the
pain from the catheter), and some oral medication that would help stop contractions as well.
This was a long night, lots of sickness, shaking, and uncertainties of what was to come.

Thursday, December 4 2008
More of the same, Paula tired, uncomfortable and unsure, however she had done well through
the night and contractions were down to about 4-5 per hour. We were advised that this
number was acceptable. In addition, a pelvic exam was performed and determined there was
no dilation and things seemed to be stabilizing. Plan was put in place for Paula to be taken off
of Magnesium, switched to a terbutalene pump, with the possibility to go home and remain
on best rest if this were to work.

Friday, December 5, 2008
Paula was weaned off of Magnesium, given her first injection of terbutalene, and the pump was
installed into her leg. The pump gives a constant dose of terbutalene, also called Brethane, as
well as an additional, scheduled dose every 6 hours. This medication did an excellent job of
slowing down contractions, but caused severe shaking and increased heart rate.

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Paula woke up in the morning having done excellent the night before and contractions were
way down, only 2-3 per hour, which was better than expected. Also, the catheter was
removed, she was beginning to eat better all was good. So good, we even talked to doctor in to
allowing us to stop the scheduled dose, and only get the continuous dose which the pump
administers. Good thing she is a dentist and not and obgyn. BAAAD IDEA. Once she started
moving around, going to the restroom, and not receiving the extra dose, the contractions came
back. The doctor ordered to stop the brethane, begin magnesium again, and all hope of going
home was gone. We were informed that we would remain in hospital for the duration. At this
time we were also advised that if she makes it to 23 and a half weeks, we have the option to
transfer her care to the specialist and move to the downtown hermann location, where the
nicu has better capabilities to handle 23 week infants.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Woke up and magnesium had only worked o.k. She was still having 7-8 contractions per hour,
but were somewhat stable and the doctor thought outlook was positive. At this point Paula
was not feeling well, and we were beginning to wonder if anything would work. We were
advised that if she continued stable, or at least as stable as she currently was, then we may
try the brethane again on Monday.

Monday, December 8, 2008
Paula remained stable thru Sunday, and the night. This morning the news was still about 7-8
contractions per hour. We were ready to be weaned off of the magnesium and try the "terb
pump" again. Pretty well instant results. I left for work around 8, with Paula not feeling great
and not real happy with the situation in its entirety. When I checked in at 10:30, Paula was in
much better spirits and had just received the pump. By noon today, her contractions had
essentially ceased, only 2-3 per hour, and she was doing very well. It's almost eleven now and
she is still very stable. Things seem to really be picking up.

Sorry for all of the detail, but it's there if you want it. One thing I forgot to mention, and shame on me for that, is that the babies have been doing great the entire time. The doctors feel that if we are able to stop the contractions, Paula should be able to hang on until we reach a safe date (ideally no less than 30 weeks). At this time, she still does not feel up to talking on the phone, due to her energy level being pretty low, and the worry of it causing stress and contractions. We have received many phone calls which have gone unanswered and we apologize, but hope you understand. We feel that if she continues to do well, she will begin to welcome visitors and we'll let everyone know when that time comes. I will try to keep this updated daily, and will read Paula any responses we receive. We thank everyone for your love, support, and prayers.

Good Night Now,

Paula, Ryon and The Boys.


kelli plemons said...

Ryan & Paula - I am so sorry that things are not going as well as one would want, but am so glad to hear that the boys are still doing great through it all. PLEASE let me know if there is anything I can do to help you guys - dinner, visits, ANYTHING - I really mean that - do not hesitate to ask! You are all in my thoughts and prayers! Love, Kelli

ginadrianashlyn said...

We are glad to hear that despite everything, your little guys are okay! We hate that you two have to go though any of this, but we will continue to pray that it all works out! If you need ANYTHING please call! If you get sick of hospital food...we got ya covered!
adrian and gina

Sonia said...

Paula and Paula - I am so sorry for this difficult time that you are going through right now. I will definitely be praying for you and the boys to make it as close to term as possible. Thanks for keeping me in the loop. Love Sonia

Nicole Vogler said...

Paula! I am so sad to hear that all of this is happening but so happy that you are doing okay. I can not believe how much of a trooper you have been and all that you have been through. These little boys are the luckiest kids to have such an amazing mother! You are so strong! I wish I was there to come lay in your hospital bed with you and give you a big hug!
Ryon, thank you for starting this blog and writing all the details of your journey. Wow, what a journey, huh? I miss you both and will be praying over here for all of you. You tell those little boys that Aunt Bean says to stay put and keep growing! Show them who is in charge :)
Please let me know when Paula is up to phone calls. I really miss y'all! Lots of love, Nicole

Unknown said...

I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Nikki is right; the boys are lucky to have such a strong mom! (and a great dad) Thanks for keeping everyone up to date. love, Tracy

Miranda Thibodeaux said...

Ryon & Paula - My heart breaks that ya'll are going through so much. It's definetly not the way you would want your pregnancy to go. We will be praying for both of you and those precious babies as well. Paula, you hang in there, once you have those babies home it will be all worth the pain. Ryon, thanks for keeping us informed. I'm sure it's just as hard on you as well. Your boys are lucky to have such wonderful parents. I think this calls for another trip to St. We will most definetly have to plan a trip later on.....the whole "Louisiana" crew included. Take care. Lots of love & prayers,
Miranda & Jay Thibodeaux

Lauren Schwertner said...

Ryon and Paula,
Thanks for starting this blog, great idea! We have been praying like crazy, so hang in there! Those little guys will make it all worth it! Your strength through all of this is amazing! We will bring dinner up as soon as you are ready for visitors! If we can do anything else just let us know!
Love you guys, Lauren, Brandon, and Kaden

Anonymous said...

We are praying for all 4 of you guys. I wish I was closer to visit and help. We are glad that the boys are doing well and hope they continue to grow and get strong.

Holly said...

Hey you guys! We are so glad that you started the blog so that we can follow what's going on. Ryon - I am so proud of you and the strength that you are showing! You are going to be such an awesome dad! And, Paula - I can only say "wow"! You are so strong and your boys are going to be so proud of you! Hang in there and know that we love you guys. We have a long list of CS people praying for your family. If you guys need anything, just let us know. We love you! Love, Mike & Holly

Aaron Mays said...

Paula and Ryon,

We are glad to hear that the contractions have reduced and the babies are doing well. I know it must be hard having to stay in the hospital and all that goes with that. But just know that we are all praying for you and you are constantly in our thoughts. If you need anything we will be there in a moments notice. We love you guy's!

Aaron, Sunny, Makenna and Austin

Carlee said...

Hey you two, it's Carlee.
Paula, I thought I had to go through alot, but you have definitely taken the prize!! YOu and the little beans have been on my daily prayer list and will continue to be. Hang in there, I promise the end result is SO worth it!! Stay strong and positive.
We love you and are praying for you.
Love, Jim, Carlee & Payton

Scott White said...

Paula & Ryon - My best advice is to stay positive, positive, positive! You guys can do this. We can so relate to what you are going through and feel for you. Paula, every day you can postpone delivery helps tremendously. Little Harrison wasn't much bigger than the boys are and he is doing great (up to 8 lbs. now). We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Scott, Liz, and Harrison

Lori B. said...

Ryon & Paula,
We are so sorry for what all you are having to go through. The Herber babies are so lucky to have such great, strong parents!
You guys are in our thoughts & prayers. Please let us know if there is anything we can do!
Scott & Lori

Jen Palmer said...

Paula & Ryon, Hang in there! We are praying for you & the boys. With God's love, your strength, & the wisdom of your doctors, you will all pull through. Thanks for the updates. Love, Fuller

Jeni said...

Paula you have proven to me over & over that you are the strongest person I know. Hang in there. Things are turning around for the best. I know that 30 weeks will be here before you know it.

Love ya,


Lauren & Chris Crites said...

Ryon and Paula,
You guys are in our prayers as you endure this challenging time. I can't imagine what you must be feeling/going through, but I know it will all be worth it. I can't wait to meet the boys and have that picture taken that we talked about with all 4 together. Hang in there. You guys are such strong, great people and you are already amazing parents. I agree that the boys are extremely blessed to have you. We are always here if you need us.
Lots of love. Lauren & Chris

Leslie Saladino Concors said...

Paula & Ryon-

You are both in my thoughts and prayers constantly. I am sad that you are going through such a tough time but know that together you 2 can make it through anything. We all hope for the days to pass quickly and safely and look forward to meeting the boys( in another 7 weeks+) ideally!I love you both and take care of each other.


heyKK said...

Sending lots of love and prayers from North Carolina. I have been thinking about you every day and getting updates from KB. Everything you are going through now will make you stronger parents later. I'm thinking the babies will sleep through the night and be little angels once they arrive since you're having a tough time right now. XOXO, KK

DeManda said...

Paula & Ryon,

Lori finally forwarded me the blog. I think she got sick of me asking for updates! :) Just wanted to drop a line letting you know that all four of you are in our prayers. Keep fighting and stay strong, Paula! Your boys are lucky to have such great parents!

Amanda and Chris Richards

Stuart said...

Paula & Ryan - We are both thinking of you all. I hate that you all are going through this. We are praying for the continued growth and health of the boys and you Paula. Let us know if we can help with anything.
Gotta run, boss just busted in, wanted her Da*n TPS reports, doesn't she know I only do work from 10:20 AM - 11:45 AM.
We are thinking of you.
-stuart and Mandy