Tuesday, January 27, 2009

In the hospital to stay...

Hi everyone! Ryon is in Florida this week at his National Sales Meeting so I am venturing out and posting this myself. Today has been a big day and it's not even noon yet. My doc came in to do an long awaited exam to see if I could possibly go home since I will be 30 weeks on Thursday. She found that I am 100% effaced and 1 mm dialated...therefore she said she would not send me home. A lot of people are out there running around in a similar situation (maybe not at 30 weeks) but she felt it was best for me to stay put. I had hoped and prayed yesterday that whatever was decided today was the best thing for the boys and myself, so i believe staying put is the answer. I will try to stay sane in this room and enjoy more hospital food!! I also had another ultrasound today. It has been 4 weeks so I was ready to see the boys moving around in there. My Mom was here to go with me since Ryon is out of town. The boys are doing great, thank God. Baby A is weighing in at 2 lbs 15 oz with Baby B showing him up at 3 lbs 3 oz. At this point Baby A is 'head down and face up' with Baby B in a breach postition (folded up with his rear down). We are planning on having a c-section so this positioning doesn't really matter. Today Dr. Schmidt said if my water breaks we'll go ahead and deliver them otherwise at 34 weeks she'll do a scheduled c-section. That puts us at Feb. 26th...so I'll be hanging out there until one of those two things occur. My guess is that she may try to get me to wait past 34 weeks if I make it there, but at this point thinking I'll be here more than 4 more weeks is a little hard to handle. I have now been in the hopital for 8 weeks and on bestrest for 10!! Talk about losing muscle mass...I guess it's a good think I didn't have much to start out with! :)
I had my second and last round of steriod shots today and yesterday which should help with lung development at this point. We feel so thankful to have made it to this point with the babies doing good and getting so big. It's been a LONG journey but I know it is worth it. I am so excited to see these little guys in the near future!! Thanks for all of your love and support along the way. It means so much to the 4 of us!! :)
We'll post more as it occurs.
Paula, Ryon and the boys


Jen Palmer said...

So glad to hear you & the boys are hanging in there! You are staying so strong for them! We continue to keep all 4 of you in our prayers! Keep the faith! We are expecting baby #2 around Sept. 1. Love, Fuller

Miranda Thibodeaux said...

Hang in there girl. I know you can do it. Can't wait to see pics of them!!!


Holly said...

Happy 30 weeks! You are awesome! Give the boys a poke for us and hang in there! We hope to see you soon!

Love, Mike & Holly

Sonia said...

Hey Paula,

I am so glad that things are well, all things considered. It is great to see your picture, you look great, and the brown hair is a shock. I still have your highschool picture in my head, I think from the last time we kept in touch. I will keep you and the boys in my prayers. You are doing great, keep it up, it will all be worth it.

Mrs. Margot said...

What a great mom you already are!!! Those boys are so lucky! I'm so sorry it has been such a long stay but you are absolutely right - it is all worth it!!

Love, Kelly M.

Diana Allen said...

Lacie and Bella have just left the salon and are waiting to be scheduled for a visit. They can stay as long or as short of a period as you like. We were so excited to hear you were going home. Get settled in and let us know when we can help.
We Love You,
Lacie, Bella, Papa & Mamie