Sunday, February 1, 2009


GUESS WHERE WE ARE???? HOME SWEET HOME, AND LOVIN' IT. That's right, Paula was sent home unexpectedly yesterday after 8 weeks and 4 days in the hospital resort. It was a shock, but Dr. Schmidt came in, while I was out golfing, and told Paula she could go home. When Paula called me I got to the hospital in record time (after finishing 9 holes). We thought it was going to be a much bigger chore loading everything up to go, since we had really moved in, but thanks to her parents and brother we were able to make it happen pretty quickly. We are very glad to be back, and are about to begin working on our caretaker schedule, as she will have to have someone here 24/7. Although she is home, she is still on strict bed rest, just as she was at the hospital. She is able to get up to use the restroom, and she can take a shower every other day. Her next appointment will be at 32 weeks, on February 12th. Until then, she will be doing home monitoring twice a day to keep a close eye on contractions. We are looking forward to seeing the boys again in a couple of weeks, and will give another update then. The best I can figure we should be recuperated from our super bowl blowout by that time.

Until next time,
Paula, Ryon, and The Boys


Nicole Vogler said...

Are you kidding? What is the SIIIIKE about? I hope Paula is really home :) That would be great news!

Holly said...

Yeah! How very, very exciting! I'm sure sleeping in your own bed felt amazing! Enjoy your last few days/weeks of your alone time - your days will soon be filled with more fun than you can imagine! Hang in there and let me know if we can do anything for you guys!

Love, Mike & Holly

Miranda Thibodeaux said...

If I get all excited for ya'll and you are playing a joke Ryon I will have to drive to Houston and severly hurt you!!! lol That is GREAT news. Just take it easy like you supposed to and enjoy your time in a "peaceful" home.

Miranda & Jay

Jen Palmer said...

Woohoo! Glad you get to be at home until the arrival of your precious boys! Take care of yourself, & we look forward to hearing an update in a couple of weeks. Fuller