Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday December 19, 2008

O.k. it's friday now, and yes we are still here. Yesterday the specialist said that although paula's cervix had thinned slightly more, she thought she could go home if she was very strict about limiting activity. However, dr. schmidt called later and said she would prefer for paula to stay. Since dr schmidt told her that's what she prefers, paula was ok with the decision and is handling it great. So we are here until she delivers.

With that said, I forgot to mention that yesterday did mark 24 weeks and we feel good to be getting closer. Our specialist seems to think we can make it into February, which would put us past the 30 week mark.

Paula said she really appreciates everyone calling to visit with her, but apologizes for not answering calls. She says she would love to visit, however everytime she talks for a long period of time, her contractions worsen. At this point, the only thing we can do to help slow things down, is to stop or keep contractions to a minimum.

Thanks again to everyone for your concern and prayers, and have a great weekend. If anything changes before Monday, I will update it here.

Paula, Ryon, and the Boys


kelli plemons said...

Yea for 24 weeks! Sorry you guys are stuck in the hospital, but if it is what the doc feels is best, it probably is. My prayers continue to be with you both and the babies!

Molly Moravek said...

We are so sorry to hear everything that has been going on with you guys and can't believe what strength you must have to call on to keep such positive attitudes. 24 weeks is a BIG landmark, so yay for that. Our thoughts are with you... Love, Molly and Jim

Miranda Thibodeaux said...

Hey guys,

I'm sorry to hear that you will be spending Christmas in the hospital. But hey, you have to do what you have to do. We just wanted to wish you both a very Merry Christmas. We will be praying for you both and the babies.

Miranda and Jay