Sunday, December 14, 2008

Why Are We Here

Well it's Sunday and we were still recovering yesterday from our big night on Friday, so needless to say, we didn't get the blog updated.

Yesterday and today went really well for paula. There were really no concerns throughout either day, contractions were at a minimum and paula was feeling pretty good. However today, the doctor made the decision to leave her contraction monitor off of her, and limit the monitoring to 1 hour on and 3 hours off. The reason for this was due to some skin irritation that the monitor was causing, mainly from being in the same place for so long. So now she is laying in the hospital bed, watching tv, wearing her pump, and wondering why we are here. It seems we could do all of those things in the comfort of our own home.

At the same time though, it is nice to know that the monitor can be utilized at any time, to make sure that her contractions are staying away (since she can't feel them). The appointment with the specialist is still scheduled for Thursday, and we are beginning to speculate that going home may be an option after that appointment.

Paula is feeling good enough now to talk on the phone and have visitors, without contracting as much.

Unless something changes we will hold off on any updates, since thankfully they've remained the same, until after our appointment on Thursday. Once again, we want to thank everyone for your support and prayers.

Good Night,

Paula, Ryon, and The Boys

1 comment:

M said...

Hey you two! I wanted to let y'all know you're being thought of all the way up in Oregon!! If you need anything, anything at sure to just call my sister or Aaron and they'll be right over. :o) LOL.

Much love from the Tual.-OR