Thursday, February 26, 2009

34 Weeks...Can you believe it?!

We are so shocked I am still pregnant at this point...this is more than we had even hoped or prayed for. I am getting larger by the second and feeling even less mobile...not that I get to move around much. We went to the doc today for a check up. I am still dilated to a 1, so holding steady there for at least 4 weeks now. I go back next Thursday (assuming I haven't had them by then) and we will schedule a c-section for March 11 or 12. So, in 2 weeks or less we should get to see these little boys I've been pregnant with for 2 years...just kidding, but it does feel like it's been a really long time!! Baby A and Baby B were estimated to weigh 4 lbs 4 oz and 5 lbs respectively. Dr. Schmidt said I can move around a bit more starting today, although the mean trick about that is that is starting to be pretty uncomfortable to move at all. She just laughed when I mentioned her giving me a bit of freedom around the same time I no longer felt very comfortable...she just laughed.
We will post another update if anything exciting happens or after our appointment next Thursday. Thanks for your interest and concern for the four of us!! :)


Jen Palmer said...

Yea! We are so thrilled that you made it to 34 weeks! Looking forward to meeting those precious boys soon! Love, Fuller

Miranda Thibodeaux said...

Yay!!!! We may have to make a trip to Houston to go and see them once they arrive.
