Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day!!

Well, the time is finally here to have these babies! We really appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers!! The c-section is scheduled for 7:30 tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. We are to arrive at the hospital at 5:30 am and the procedure is expected to take 30-45 minutes. I will then have to go to a recovery room for 1-2 hours while Ryon goes with the boys to the nursery. They will be checking the boys out to make sure they can do all the normal things...swallow, maintain their body temperature, etc. We will find out if they will be in the NICU or regular nursery...from what I understand twins usually go into the NICU even if they seem to be doing great. We will get to see if they'll get to go home with us (most likely Friday or Saturday).
Ryon will post whatever news we have on the blog as soon as he has time tomorrow. We are so excited for you to all meet to boys but we are going to limit visitors on Wednesday to immediate family only. After that we are open to whoever would like to stop by...just please call and let us know your plans. We will also get a picture on the blog as soon as possible...who knows....they could look alike or completely different!
Talk to you all soon,
Ryon, Paula and the Boys


Lori B. said...

EEEEEEEEEK! I'm so excited!

Miranda Thibodeaux said...

I am so excited for ya'll!!!!! By now I'm sure the boys have arrived, can't wait for the details.